Page 28 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
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        With 2018 Marking the 150th Anniversary of the Initiation   More  likely,  it  would  have  been  a  question  of
        of Albert Edward, The Prince of Wales, into Freemasonry,   protocol, as well as a wish not to have to make the
        John Hamill reflects on why the ceremony happend in    decision as to which lodge and which senior brother
                                                               should  have  the  honour  of  initiating  the  heir  to  the
          In  late  1868,  HRH  Prince  Albert  Edward,  The   throne. Those problems were solved in Sweden, where
        Prince of Wales, had a very busy two days while on a   the ceremonies were conducted by that country’s king
        private visit to Sweden, where King Charles XV was     and crown prince.
        Grand Master of the Swedish Order of Freemasons, a                 FOLLOWING PROTOCOL
        progressive system of eleven degrees.
                                                                 News of the event was sent to England, and it was
          The  eldest  son  of  Queen Victoria  and  future  King
        Edward  VII  received  the  fi rst  six  degrees  of  the   unanimously agreed that the prince should be appointed
                                                               a  Past  Grand  Master,  which  resolved  any  protocol
        Swedish  Rite  on  20  December.  He  received  the    problems  and  was  in  line  with  what  had  happened
        remaining four degrees on 21 December, after which     since 1767 to members of the royal family who joined
        he was received into the eleventh and highest degree of   the Craft. As a precaution, as few of the then-senior
        Knight Commander of the Red Cross, which is also a     members  of  Grand  Lodge  were  conversant  with  the
        civil honour, making him a Knight Commander of the     Swedish degrees, a request was made to Sweden for
        Order of King Charles XIII. The prince was to always   English translations of the fi rst three degrees of their
        wear the collarette and jewel of that dual honour with   system,  which  was  quickly  answered  and  showed
        his masonic regalia.
                                                               that  they  had  the  same  basic  import  as  the  English
          The question has been asked as to why the Prince     equivalents.
        of  Wales  entered  Freemasonry  abroad.  The  wits  of   At the Quarterly Communication held on 1 December
        the  day  suggested  it  was  because  he  was  in  awe  of   1869, the Prince of Wales was received, proclaimed
        his mother, Queen Victoria, who, they claimed, was     and welcomed as Past Grand Master. In his response
        not well disposed towards Freemasonry. However, this   to  his  welcome  from  the  Grand  Master,  the  Earl  of
        does not square with the fact that she was royal patron   Zetland, the prince said that he felt it ‘a deep honour
        of the then-three national masonic charities.
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