Page 33 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
P. 33

Have an Indefatigable Spirit for the Holidays
                  Have an Indefatigable Spirit for the Holidays
                                           Reid Gardiner, Grand Secretary Emeritus, Grand Secretary Emeritus
                                           Reid Gardiner
          Often many of us feel the stress and pressures from our   Brother  Hedges  was  a  devoted  family  man,  and  he
        work,  family  or  fi nancial  limitations,  and  many  end  up  believed that the well-regulated home is the foundation of
        working longer hours or more than one job, but we strive  our institutions, and was blessed with domestic happiness
        to make our families happy and secure.                 such  as  few  men  enjoy.  He  took  time  out  of  his  busy
                                                               schedule to take his family fi shing and to circuses. He was
          Our  Past  Grand  Master  and  Past  Grand  Secretary  a man so close to his family that when they had been gone
        Cornelius Hedges, in order to provide adequately for his  for an extended visit in the East, he would remark in his
        family, often engaged in economic pursuits other than his  journals upon their safe return, “Thank God the long agony
        law profession and public offi  ces, such as Probate Judge,  is  over.”
        Superintendent  of  Public  Instruction,  and  State  Senator.
        Brother Hedges was never content when he had to limit his     December should be a happy and festive time, fi lled with
        family. Yet, within the limits of the time and money that  joy and excitement and wonder, and to many, it is a month
        he had, our good brother was indefatigable in his quest to  of peace and miracles. Among the world’s great faiths, two
        make the holidays joyful and meaningful for his family -  will be holding major celebrations this month, those being
        can we do anymore?                                     Christmas and Hanukkah. In whatever way you celebrate
                                                               your faith, may it be a wonderful time with your family,
            Hedges wrote in his journals just a few weeks before  friends and sharing in Masonic fellowship. As Masons, we
        Christmas of 1864 of "One of the happiest days of the year,  should respect and rejoice in whatever holidays or religious
        when he received news of the birth of another son. “How  customs  our  Brothers  and  friends  celebrate.  We  should
         thankful for such good news.” The new-born was named  always be respectful of all faiths and religions.
         Henry  Highland,  because  Hedges  was  then  working  in
         Highland Gulch.                                         As Freemasons, we espouse the great Masonic Doctrine
                                                               of universal Brotherhood. In that sense, our mystic circle
          From the journals of Cornelius Hedges, December 1864  knows  no  bounds;  we  espouse  the  virtues  of  "Brotherly
         while working his claim at Highland Gulch.            Love, Relief and Truth." Let us remember those who are
            Problems continued, in mid-December, due to disputes  lonely,  homeless,  sick,  hungry,  and  in  general  need  of
         over water rights and side ditches, could not get the  a  helping  hand.  This  month  and  this  season  provide  an
         necessary water to work their claim. But to off -set  that,  opportunity for Masons to refl ect upon the world around us
         “lady luck” smiled in time to give them an early Christmas  and demonstrate our concern for our family and community.
         present - three days of good run. On the 22nd, they took out  During  this  month  it  seems  that  everyone  is  just  a  bit
         $98, with one nugget worth $11.10, they cleaned up $30.85  more charitable , let us share  own good fortune by being
         on the 23rd, and just $22.50 on the 24th.             charitable to those who need a bit more.
            In his journals from October of 1866, Hedges wrote "I
         was on my way to the states to renew my acquaintance with    The following quote is off ered to help inspire you.
         my family from whom I had been separated for two and a
         half years, uncertain whether I could induce them to return   “I wish for you our brothers of all faiths, that just a little
         with me to such a wild country as Montana still was."  light will drive away much darkness and you and I and all of
                                                               us together can make a diff erence. We are Masons. We are
           In the journals of Cornelius Hedges from ChristmasDay,   the children of the Great Creator. We have a defi nite pattern
         1869, he wrote, “Christmas –Sunday school festival last   to follow, and that is the life and love of Freemasonry. At
         evening - I was busy getting something for the children   this time of the year, some of us observe Chanukah, others
         -Spent $5.00 in presents -Times are too hard to do much.”  observe Christmas, and still others Kwanza. Whatever your
                                                               faith, whatever your tradition, we wish you a happy holiday
          From the journals of Cornelius Hedges, December 1872.   as brothers and as children of one Creator.”
         Brother Hedges while serving as   Superintendent of Public                                    - Melville H. Nahin, PGM (CA)
         Instruction"visited schools at Hills, Jeff erson  Island,
         Whitehall, Argenta, Bannack, Sheridan, and Virginia City,
         and returned home on Christmas Day."

            From  the  journals  of  Cornelius  Hedges,  December
         1884. Brother Hedges while serving as   Superintendent
         of Public Instruction, "Visited Boulder December 18 to 20,
         Missoula; and December 23 and 24, Dillon. He returned
         home on Christmas Day, and spent much of that day sending
         out certifi cates of attendance at Teachers’ Institutes."
         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 33
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