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                          "The Freemason Weekly  Newspapter", December 1877eemason Weekly  Newspapter", December 1877
                          "The Fr

          Christmas is here once again before us and greets  and  reasonable  gaieties  of  Christmas,  there  comes
        us smiling on the way. Much as we like this festive  as a ever needful warning, lest we misuse instead of
        season, much as we admire its carols and reverence  profi ting  by  the  goodly  blessings  of  T.G.A.O.T.U.,
        its  memories,  Christmas  comes  to  us  with  mingled  and least we also forget the solemn lesson that each
        feelings of rejoicing and melancholy, of pleasure and  returning Christmas brings in its silvery and pleasant
        pain, of gaiety and depression. It is impossible amid  voice to us all alike old and young, high and low, rich
        the  cheerful  wishes  and  gladdening  associations  of  and poor, educated and uneducated.
        Christmastide  not  to  feel  how  we  are  ourselves  all
        carried back, whether we will or not, to many a past     First of all, let us be on our guard against turning our
        Christmas, to scenes and epochs in our own little life,  needful and benefi cial holiday into a scene of unwise
        which  are  still  full  to  us  all  of  deep  pathos  and  of  and nu-sanctifi ed revelry. Too many make Christmas
        abiding souvenirs.                                     still only an excuse for unrestrained indulgence and idle
                                                               extravagance! The world has so taken possession of
          For do what we will, say what we may, the present  Christmas, that its hymns of rejoicing and its echoes of
        does  recall  the  past,  and  if  the  refl ection  of  all  past  peace, are sometimes drowned in the din of tumultuous
        time! As someone has said, is melancholy, it will yet  uproar, in the chants of human Bacchanalia.
        supervene alike amid the chants of rejoicing and the
        gathering of the world.                                  The memories of Christmas are forgotten altogether,
                                                               put on one side, laid by entirely, and we give a clear
          Yes, there seems always to be a ghost of the past,  earthy gloss to all of higher teaching or more severe
        reminding  us  of  other  days  and    other  scenes  and  contemplation. And then also we forget the past in the
        telling  us  how  time  is  fl eeting  and  hopes  are  vain,  present. That present is all for us. It colors our waking
        how all that is of earth is ephemeral, and how all the  dreams, controls our hourly striving, it is the be-all and
        fl owers  and  decorations  of  fancy,  the  pleasures  and  do-all of our whole moral being, until at last absorbed
        pains  of  existence,  the  glittering  gewgaws  and  the  in  gaiety,  and  given  up  to  dissipation,  we  become
        fantastic tinsel of life, the very living beings of our  wholly material, entirely sensuous, and forget all that
        little home circle, all fade by degrees and end in dust -  is  spiritual;  ignore  all  that  is  heavenly  teaching  and
        yes in dust!  And do not let any of think that ours is too  development.
        lugubrious a deliverance, too much a sermon, too little
        of a Masonic leader, especially at this genial season.   The past has no longer a memory or a message for
                                                               us; it is often in fact as if it had never been. Now it is
          We hold, and hold strongly, that of all the nuisances  against this two-fold mistake, that Christmas always
        which  bore  us,  and  bedevil  us  at  the  present  hour,  seems  to  protest,  as  the  world  runs  on  its  way,  as
        is that array of foolish persons, of whom  "Motley's  generation  follows  generation  to  the  grave,  as  we
        the Only Wear", who are on the lookout always for  ourselves grow old and weary in the race, and as the
        insipid jokes and bad puns, whose acclimatization are  river of time passes slowly on, emptying itself year by
        unceasing, and whose faces are always extended in a  year into the great ocean of eternity.
        broad grin.
                                                                 If  it  be  the  best  of  philosophies,  not  to  be  too
          We want to be serious every now and then, depend  melancholy or too morbid, not to take too downcast a
        upon it, and never more than at this Christmas season,  view of life and the world, not to "cry over split milk,"
        when mirth may degenerate into leniency, relaxation  not to deplore the irresistible and the inevitable, surely
        into  extravagance,  and  amusement  into  excess.  We  also it is the highest wisdom, not to allow the present
        always  need  the  sobering  voice  and  the  restraining  to make us forget the past or the future, so as to render
        hand.  Such  is  the  composition  of  mortality,  feeble  us citizens of time alone, when we are heirs of eternity,
        and fallen, that what was intended for its enjoyment  to constitute us simply children of the "plain," when
        becomes an abuse, what was given in it for a blessing  we really belong to that "better country," which lies
        ends in its bane. So too, amid all the licensed liberty  amid the "everlasting hills."

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