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P. 34

The Feast of Saints John
                                 The Feast of Saints John

                                   R. Bruce McGinnis. PM, Morning Star No. 5

          Each  year  during  the  month                                        It celebrated that feast day and held
        of  January,  all  Montana  Lodges                                      its installation of that day until 1725
        pursuant  to  Montana  Code  §25060,                                    until it began holding its installation
        are  required  to  hold  and  conduct  a                                of offi  cers on December 26 the feast
        Saints  John  Day  observance.  The                                     day  of  Saint  John  the  Evangelist.
        code further requires the observance                                    It  is  believed  that  Saint  John  the
        to  consist  of  tyled  table  lodge                                    Evangelist  was  selected  because
        including  a  lunch  or  dinner.  The                                   he was a teacher and as such was a
        celebration  by  Masons  of  the  Feast                                 bringer of light, his feast day being
        Days  of  Saint  John  the  Baptist  and                                on the winter solstice, which marks
        St.  John  the  Evangelist  predates  the                               the  return  of  light  to  man  until  it
        organization  of  speculative  lodges                                   culminates  on  the  summer  solstice.
        and  the  organization  of  the  present                                The  summer  solstice  being  the
        Grand Lodges as we know them.                                           brightest  day  which  exemplifi es  the
                                                               fervency and zeal of Saint John the Baptist? Thus the
          According  to  the  Roman  Catholic  Church  law  a  two saints became a compliment to each other.
        feast day or holy day is a day set aside to celebrate
        the  “commemoration  of  the  sacred  mysteries  and       The  Masonic  signifi cance  of  the  two  Saints  are
        events recorded in the history of our redemption, in  explained  in  the  explanatory  lecture  of  the  Entered
        memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ, or of Christ’s  Apprentice degree and are represented in all lodges by
        apostles, martyrs, and saints, by special services and  a point within a circle which is boarded by 2 parallel
        rest  from  work. A  feast  not  only  commemorates  an  lines. The lecture gives an esoteric explanation of this
        event or person but also serves to excite the spiritual  symbol within the two parallel lines representing the
        life by reminding us of the event it commemorates.”  Saints John, not in their theological signifi cance but
        The  origins  of  the  celebrations  or  starting-points  in their sense as a calendar, the days named after the
        for  the  oldest  ecclesiastical  feasts  are  the  Jewish  Saints themselves, are denoted. Since those days were
        solemnities of Easter and Pentecost. Together with the  the two extremes of the year, the sun is represented
        weekly Lord’s Day, they remained the only universal  as swinging in its circuit between them. The two days
        Christian feasts down to the third century.            are, therefore, the limits of the circle as set between the
                                                               lines. Hence, it is a symbol of control of conduct.
          The reasons why Freemasons chose the Saints John,
        as their patron saints are not entirely clear. It appears   A ritual containing the opening and closing of a table
        that  some  early  lodges  of  operative  stonemasons  lodge as well as an order for business may be obtained
        choose  Saint  John  the  Baptist  rather  than  Saint  from the Grand Lodge offi  ce. The ritual also provides
        Thomas who is also the patron saint of stonemasons,  the protocol for the required toasts. Traditionally, each
        builders, and architects. It is believed that Saint John  individual Lodge would join together and celebrate the
        the Celebration the Feast of Saints John Baptist was  event.
        chosen because he was a man of humility and virtue,
        a  man  who  steadfastly  kept  his  obligations  to  God.
        For those same reasons, he was carried over as the
        patron saint of craft masonry. It is also believed that   The  following  introductory  information  is  taken
        the operative stonemasons chose him because of the  from the "Masonic Festival's and The Table Lodge,"
        fervency and zeal he exhibited in his ministry, which  published  by  the  Grand  Lodge  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  of
        are principles that can be carried over to craft Masonry. Montana.  If  your  lodge  needs  a  copy  of  the  script,
                                                               contact your District Offi  cer.
          Saint  John  the  Evangelist  became  the  second
        patron saint of Freemasonry when the Grand Lodge         The  Table  Lodge  is  no  mere  banquet  with
        of England began to celebrate his feast day in 1725.  entertainment; it is a special lodge ceremony in itself,
        The Grand Lodge of England had been established on  with  a  ritual,  formalities  and  a  special  terminology
        Saint John the Baptist’s feast day on June 24, 1717.  which  is  of  some  interest.  Particular  care  should  be

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