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The following article was printed in The Montana       If  we  consider  the  symmetry  and  order  which
        Mason magazine, Vol. 3, No. 10-11, November-           govern all the works of creation, we must admit that
        December 1923. It is being reprinted here for your     Geometry pervades the universe. If, by the aid of the
        reading enjoyment. This was identifi ed as "The         telescope, we bring the planets within the range of our
        Dewdrop Lecture". This lecture or charge is not        observation and by the microscope, view particles too
        sanctioned or approved for use by the Grand Lodge      minute for the eye, unaided, to behold, we fi nd them
        AF&AM of Montana.                                      all  pursuing  the  several  objects  of  their  creation,  in
                                                               accordance  with  the  fi xed  plan  of  the Almighty.  By
          In reading this you will fi nd it interesting, and note   Geometry we may curiously trace Nature through her
        that  it is  long and has some complex wording. We     various windings to her most concealed recesses. By it
        have not be able to establish the author although      we discover how the planets move in their respective
        apparently several individuals have been attributed to   orbits  and  demonstrate  their  various  revolutions;  by
        its creation.  We have also been told that it may have   it  we  account  for  the  return  of  the  seasons  and  the
        been  optional charge for the Fellowcraft Degree used   variety  of  scenes  which  each  season  displays  to  the
        at one time possibly by the Grand Lodge of Mississippi.  discerning eye; by it we discover the power, wisdom
                                                               and goodness of the Grand Artifi cer of the Universe,
          It has been reported occasionally that Brothers have   and view with delight the proportions which connect
        reported having heard work presented in lodge that     the  vast  machine.  Numberless  worlds  are  around
        is not part of the approved Montana Standard Work.     us, all framed by the same Divine Artist, which roll
        If you should ever encounter this, you should provide   through the vast expanse and are all governed by the
        the information to your District Offi  cer and the Grand   same unerring law of nature. Is there not more truth
        Master.                                                than fi ction in the thought of the ancient philosopher,
                                                               that God geometrizes continually?
                         The Dewdrop Charge
                                                                 By  Geometry  he  rounds  the  dewdrop;  points  the
          Freemasons  are  taught  in  the  early  stages  that  pyramidal  icicle  that  hangs  from  thatch-bound  roof;
        Geometry,  the  fi rst  and  noblest  of  sciences,  is  the  bends  into  a  graceful  curve  the  foaming  cataract;
        basis upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry  paints His bow of beauty upon the canvas of a summer
        is erected. Regarding man as a rational and intelligent  shower; assimilates the sugar to the diamond, and in
        being, capable of enjoyment and pleasure to an extent  the fi ssures of the earth-bound rocks, forms gorgeous
        limited only by the acquisition of useful knowledge,  caverns, thickset with starry gems. By it He taught the
        our Order points him to the study of the Liberal Arts  bee to store its honey in prismatic cells; the wild goose
        and Sciences and to the possession of knowledge as  to range her fi ght, and the noble eagle to wheel and dart
        the most befi tting and proper occupation for the God- upon its prey, and the wakesome lark, God's earliest
        like endowments with which he is gifted. Indeed, all  worshipper, to hymn its matin song in spiral fl ight. By
        who frequent our Masonic Temple are charged to labor  it He forms the tender lens of the delicate eye, rounds
        faithfully in the wide and unbounded fi eld of human  the blushing cheek of beauty, curves the ruby lips and
        improvement, from which they are assured of reaping  fashions the swelling breast that throbs in unison with
        a most glorious harvest, a harvest rich in happiness to  a gushing heart. By it he paints the cheek of autumn's
        the whole family of man, and in manifestation of the  mellow fruit, forms in molds of graceful symmetry the
        goodness of God. Your attention is especially directed  gentle dove, marks the myriad circles on the peacock's
        to  the  science  of  Geometry,  no  royal  road,  'tis  true,  gaudy  train  and  decks  the  plumage  of  ten  thousand
        but to one prepared with an outfi t it must prove more  warblers of His praise that animate the woody shade.
        attractive than palace walks by regal taste adorned.   By it He fashions the golden carp, decks the silvery
                                                               perch, forms all fi sh of every fi n and tribe that course
          The ancient philosopers placed such a high estimate   the majestic ocean, cut the placid lake or swim in gentle
        upon this science that all who frequented the groves   brook. Nay, more, even the glassy element in which
        of  the  Sacred Academy,  were  compelled  to  explore   they dwell, when by gentle zephyrs stirred, sends its
        its  heavenly  paths,  and  no  one  whose  mind  was   chasing waves in graceful curves by God's own fi nger
        unexpanded  by  its  precepts  was  intrusted  with  the   traced in parallel – above, beneath, around us, all the
        instruction  of  the  young.  Even  Plato,  justly  deemed   works of his hands, animate and inanimate, but prove
        the  fi rst  of  the  philosophers,  when  asked  as  to  the   that God geometrizes continually.
        probable occupation of Deity, replied, He geometrizes
        continually.                                             But if man would witness  the highest evidence of
                                                               geometrical  perfection,  let  him  step  out  of  the  rude
         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 31
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