Page 32 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
P. 32

construction  of  his  own  hands  and  view  the  wide
         o'er-spreading  canopy  of  the  stars,  whether  fi xed  as
         centers  of  vast  systems  or  all  noiselessly  pursuing
         their geometrical paths in accordance with the never
         changing  laws  of  nature.  Nay,  more,  the  vast  fi elds
         of  illimitable  space  are  all  formed  of  an  infi nitude
         of  circles  traced  by  the  compass  of  the  Almighty
         Architect,  whose  every  work  is  set  by  the  Level,
         adjusted by the Plumb, and perfected by the Square.
         Do this, my Brother, and you must admit with Plato,
         that God geometrizes continually, and be assured with
         Job that He who stretcheth the earth upon emptiness
         and  fi xeth  the  foundation  thereof  upon  nothing,  so
         it cannot be moved, can bind the sweet infl uence of
         Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion. A survey of nature,
         and the observation of her beautiful proportions, fi rst
         determined man to imitate the Divine plan, and study
         symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies, and
         birth to every useful art. The architect began to design,
         and the plans which he laid down, being improved by
         experience and time, have produced works which are
         the admiration of every age.

          The lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance,
         and  the  devastations  of  war,  have  laid  waste  and
         destroyed many valuable monuments of antiquity on
         which the utmost exertions of human genius have been
         employed. Even the temple of Solomon, so spacious
         and magnifi cent, and constructed by so many artists,
         escaped not the unsparing ravages of barbarous force.
         Freemasonry, notwithstanding, has still survived. The
         attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive
         tongue, and the mysteries of Freemasonry are safely
         lodged in the repository of faithful breasts. Tools and
         instruments  of  architecture,  and  symbolic  emblems,
         most expressive, are selected by the fraternity to imprint
         on the mind wise and serious truths; and thus, through
         a succession of ages, are transmitted, unimpaired, the
         most excellent tenets of our institution.

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