Page 35 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
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taken, therefore, to see that the observance is conducted   Note particularly that a special ritualistic ceremony
        in the proper spirit of the occasion, with the utmost  for opening and closing a Table Lodge is to be used.
        dignity and decorum.                                   Under  no  circumstances  may  a  Lodge  of  Entered
                                                               Apprentices be opened in due form; that ceremony is
          Traditionally, Freemasonry has two great festivals,  prescribed in the Offi  cial Ritual and is confi ned to the
 d      the  Feast  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  (June  24)  and  the  Lodge room.
        Feast of St. John the Evangelist (December 27).
 n                                                               At the appropriate time, the Master opens a Table
 t        Within  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana  requires  that  Lodge, using the brief ritual. Immediately following
        this be an annual observance see Code Section 25060.  the singing of “Auld Lang Syne" and the Chaplain’s
 e      Every lodge shall hold the following observances: A.  invocation, the Table Lodge is closed.
 e      Holy Saints John Day, during the month of January,
 a      excluding Sunday, which shall consist of a tyled table   Keep it Small and Intimate - The Table Lodge should
 g      lodge and a luncheon or dinner;"                       not be an occasion for getting out a capacity crowd.
 s                                                             By its very nature, the Festive Board of Freemasonry
 t        The  summer  festival  is  an  ideal  time  for  a  called  should  be  small  and  intimate,  thereby  providing  an
        meeting of the Lodge to confer a degree particularly  opportunity for Masonic fellowship at its best. Do not
 e      the Entered Apprentice degree - in the late afternoon,  strive  for  size,  nor  for  an  "extravaganza"  program.
 e      followed by a Table Lodge in the dining room. The  Keep it simple, personal, unsophisticated.
 e      newly  initiated  Entered  Apprentice  thus  would  be
        admitted at once too rich Masonic fellowship.            Table Lodge Manners - Our Brethren need not be
                                                               reminded,  we  trust,  that  they  should  appear  at  the
 e        The  winter  festival  long  was  a  favorite  time  for  Festive Board attired in a manner that will refl ect their
 d      installation  of  offi  cers  by  many  grand  jurisdictions  respect  for  their  Lodge  and  for  Freemasonry.  One
 y      (not Montana), but even in those jurisdictions which  reminder perhaps should be emphasized on the printed
 l      hold  offi  cer  installation  at  this  time  were  not  too  program,  or  by  the  announcement  of  the  Master,  or
 s      combined with a Table Lodge observance. Each is a  both.
 e      distinct ceremony within itself, and each is fi lled with
 t      meaning. To attempt to crowd both into one evening       Arranging  the  Dining  Room  -  In  arranging  the
 e      would greatly prolong the program and detract from  dining  room  for  a  Table  Lodge,  follow  closely  the
 e      the enjoyment of each.                                 diagram  shown  in  the  Table  Lodge  instructions.
 d                                                             Arrange the tables in an elongated horseshoe pattern
 s        A Tyled Lodge - It must be remembered that a Table  if at all possible, with the speakers' table representing
 e      Lodge is a tyled Lodge open on the Entered Apprentice  the East. The Brethren should be seated on the outer
        degree, authorized by the Grand Master for a specifi c  rim of the horseshoe, with the altar in the center. Try
        time,  place  and  occasion.  Thus,  arrangements  to avoid seating the Brethren along the inner rim if at
 e      should be made for proper tyling of the dining room  all possible. If the size of the group in attendance will
 d      throughout the Table Lodge observance. Any invited  not permit the traditional arrangement, then set tables
 s      guests must be Masons, and the membership of any  for the Brethren at right angles to the speaker's table,
 h      visiting Brethren should be verifi ed for a Table Lodge  leaving ample room for the altar immediately in front
 e      observance of the Feasts of the Holy Sts. John, it is not  of the Master's chair. Do not crowd the altar - give it a
        necessary that the charter of the Lodge be moved to  position of honor in the Lodge.
        the dining room.
                                                                 Entertainment - The ritual for a Table Lodge does
          The Table Lodge is a Lodge of Entered Apprentices  not  off er  an  opportunity  for  any  kind  of  secular
 n      to  enable  the  Entered  Apprentice  and  Fellow  Craft  entertainment. It is not an occasion for comedians, or
        to benefi t by table instruction and to enjoy Masonic  magicians, or vaudeville artists, or tap dancers. Music
 f      fellowship early in his Masonic life. Also, it was an  during the dinner is to be encouraged, but it should be
 ,      old custom that the initiates served during the Hour of  appropriate to the occasion, and it must be provided
        Refreshments.                                          by Masons.

 h        All  the  Brethren  should  be  clothed  as  Entered
 ,      Apprentices, and none should wear the   uniform or
 y      regalia of any other organization.

         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 35
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