Page 37 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
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person who has made a signifi cant diff erence in your  Love, Every true Freemason will show tolerance and
         life! You many have in mind a military veteran who  respect  for  the  opinions  of  others  and  behave  with
         has witnessed horrifi c experiences, or you might know  kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.
         of a family member or friend with the recent loss of a
         loved one.  Maybe there is a close friend who has lost   What  better  way  to  not  only  spend  the  holiday
         their job or has been personally aff ected by a divorce  season with Brotherly Love, but everyday on earth,
         or partner separation. Some very simple considerate  to behave and treat our fellow creatures with kindness
         thoughts or actions might be a telephone call or even  and  understanding  to  not  only  all  of  our  Masonic
         sending the annual Christmas card, which you might  Brothers, but to all of our family and friends. As most
         consider including a personal short handwritten note  of you all know, I wear my heart on my sleeve, showing
         containing some support for our loved ones.  Some  personal  and  private  emotions,  possible  exposing
         examples might be:                                    myself to attack. But as I was in Missoula last year for
                                                               Grand Lodge, I was visiting a young Masonic Brother
         “This Christmas, I’m thinking about you…”             in  the  rest  room  at  the  hotel. The  gracious  Brother
         “At the holidays and always, I’m here for you…”       complimented me on my PURE Masonry presentation
         • “Wishing you comfort this Christmas…”               at the Wardens Masonic College, identifying some of
                                                               the highlights of the concepts. Well, as I was washing
         • “Thinking of you and wishing you peace…”            my  hands,  I  advised  the  Brother  of  the  fact  I  was
                                                               probably a little more “touchy-feely” than most Grand
          Whatever the individual case may be involving a      Lodge Offi  cers, I heard the restroom door slam shut,
         loved one or good friend, it is imperative for our Craft   and I never saw the Brother again….
         to follow the statement made by Brother MacArthur
         of “embraces the highest moral laws” The defi nition                        Merry Christmas!
         of  moral  is,  concerned  with  principles  of  right  and
         wrong  or  conforming  to  standards  of  behavior  and
         character  based  on  those  principles.  I  am  sure  we
         always heard of the adage of “The moral of a story
         is the lesson that story teaches about how to behave
         in the world. Many of the other thoughts regarding
         moral are, Moral comes from the Latin word mores,
         for habits. The moral of a story is supposed to teach
         you  how  to  be  a  better  person.  If  moral  is  used  as
         an adjective, it means good, or ethical. If you have
         a strong moral character, you are a good member of
         society. If someone is a cheat and a liar, you might
         say, "She is not a moral person."

          We as Masons are totally devoted to “bear the test of
         any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated
         for the uplift of man.” I truly believe when we have
         completed  our  Obligations  as  Master  Masons  we
         understand the system of ethics designed by Master
         Masons  before  us,  our  Forefathers,  and  taught  by
         our  Mentors  in  our  degree  work.  It  is  the  system
         developed to make “Good men better” and allows all
         of us to establish foundations to personally improve
         our lives.

          We are all familiar with hearing and understanding
         of  this  quote  by  Socrates;  “Be  kind,  for  everyone
         you know is fi ghting a hard battle.” I really believe
         to attempt to emulate Brother MacArthur statement
         about the “uplift of Man”, it is always wise to consider
         others personal feelings and hidden demons in their
         lives.  As  our  Brotherhood’s  tenants  of  Brotherly
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