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Obed Francis Strickland
                                                     MWPGM-Utah 1872

          Obed F. Strickland was born on                                            the most trying and troublesome
         April 3, 1833 at  Dansville, Steuben,                                      of  Utah's  history;  with  no  adequate
         New York. He studied Law and was                                           law to meet the emergency, no court
         an Attorney having a law offi  ce in                                       machinery  to  enforce  the  existing
         ST. John, Michigan. Brother Strick-                                        crude statutes in a hostile community;
         land was made a Master Mason in St                                         but  he  boldly  and  unfl inchingly  faced
         John's Lodge No 105, Michigan. In                                          the situation and brought order out of
         1863 hopeing to fi nd a climate more                                       chaos.
         comfortable he moved to the Nevada
         City Montana Territory and opened a                                          The  following  is  taken  from  the
         law offi  ce with Ruben Robertson there                                    Grand Masters Address during the fi rst
         as Strickland & Robertson. When the                                        annual communication of the Grand
         Pacifi c Railroads were almost complete, they moved       Lodge of Utah.
         to Salt Lake City, where their law fi rm became widely
         known.                                                    "Our success is certain, be the situation what it may.
                                                                   As  Master-workmen,  we  are  equal  to  the  emergency.
          Brother Strickland helped organize Wasatch Lodge No.  It  is  enough  that  we  have  suffi  cient  material;  let  the
         8, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Montana  workmanship of our hands attest the ability we possess
         in 1866 at Salt Lake City. Brother Strickland was Senior  in our vocation. What Masonry has done in the past it
         Deacon in 1868, Senior Warden in 1869, and Worshipful  can assuredly do in the future. Pat hands, coupled with
         Master  in  1870. During  the  organization  of the  Grand  true Masonic energy, will make our success all we can
         Lodge of Utah, in January 1872, he was elected as the  justly desire."
         Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Utah.
                                                                     In  1882,  M  W  Past  Grand  Master  Strickland  moved
          In  the  early  part  of  1869,  Obed  F.  Strickland  was  back  to  St  John's,  Michigan.  MWPGM  Obed  Francis
         appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of  Strickland  died  on  June  28,  1887.    He  was  buried  at
         Utah and remained upon the Bench 1869-1873, during  DeWitt City Cemetery, DeWitt, Michigan.

                                                   Sources and References
         Annual Proceedings, Grand Lodge of A.F.&A.M.for 1866             Sanders, Helena F, 1913, A History of Montana, Volume 1,
         through 1872.                                                    p. 584, The Lewis Publishing Company.
         Archives, Membership Records, Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M.         Grand Lodge of Utah Past Grand Masters, http://www.
         of Montana, 1866 though 1870                           
         Annual Return of Lodges, Grand Lodge of A.F. &A.M. of            Brief History of Wasatch Lodge, Grand Lodge of Utah,
         Montana, 1866 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1872          

         Miller, Robert E., The Hands of the Workmen, 1966 State
         Publishing Co., Helena MT., p10,18-20,.22,83-86.

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