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Ruben Howard Robertson
                                                    MWPGM-Utah 1873

          Ruben  Howard  Robertson  (1836-                                           could  be  established.  His  knowledge
        1879)  was  born  on  September  30,                                         of Masonry and being a Past Master
        1836 in Burlington Iowa. He attended                                         helped him locate masons at Salt Lake
        Madison  University  in  New  York.                                          and  Camp  Douglas.  On  October  22,
        Brother Robertson was made a Mason                                           1866, they petitioned the Grand Lodge
        in  Bellair  Lodge,  No.  133,  Numa,                                        of Montana for a dispensation to form
        Appanoose County, Iowa, in 1858. He                                          Wasatch Lodge U. D., at Salt Lake City.
        dimitted from the Lodge in 1860, and                                         In September 1867, Brother Robertson
        went  to  Arkansas  to  practice  law.  In                                   went to Montana to attend their
        1863 he emigrated to Montana to seek                                         Annual  Communication.  He  returned
        his fortune in mining, but not meeting                                       to Salt Lake with the Dispensation to
        with  satisfactory  success,  opened  a  law  offi  ce  in  the   form  Wasatch  Lodge  Under  Dispensation  (U.  D.)  The
        town of Nevada city he was one of the fi rst attorneys     fi rst  Lodge  meeting  under  dispensation  was  held  on
        admitted  to practice law  in  the  Montana Territory.     November 30, 1866.
        Brother Strickland and R.H.Robertson established a law
        practice there under the name Strickland & Robertson.        In September of 1867, Brother Robertson again traveled
        Ruben Robertson was elected county Judge of Madison        to Montana to attend their Annual Communication; he
        County.                                                    returned with the Charter for Wasatch Lodge No.8 under
                                                                   the jurisdiction of Montana dated October 7, 1867. The
          He participated in the formation of Nevada Lodge No      fi rst meeting of the lodge under Charter was November
        4 at Nevada City, Montana Territory, and served as its     4, 1867. Brother R. H. Robertson was the fi rst Worshipful
        fi rst Worshipful Master (Nevada City No 4 surrendered     Master from November 30th, 1866, until December 10th,
        its  Charter  in  1888).  Brother  Robertson  served  as  the   1869. In December 1870, he was again elected Master.
        Installing  Marshal  during  the  fi rst  Grand  Lodge  of
        Montana session in January 1866. Robertson had been          On completion of his term as Most Worshipful Grand
        appointed Senior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of        Master,  in  November  1873,  MW  Past  Grand  Master
        Montana on October 11, 1866.                               Robertson was appointed Chairman of the Committee
                                                                   on Jurisprudence, a position he held until his death.
          In  June,  1866,  he  moved  to  Salt  Lake  City  to  reside   Brother R. H. Robertson died on January 4, 1879 at Salt
        and practice his profession where he  became one of the    Lake City. He was buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Salt
        most prominent lawyers. Upon arrival in Salt Lake City,    Lake City, Utah.
        he discovered that a Masonic Lodge was operating there.
        Brother Robertson was of the opinion that another Lodge

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