Page 38 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 38

50 Year Member Presentation

                                              Donald Bacon

                                   L-R: Fred Benson, Worshipful Master of Ottawa Lodge No. 51 and
                                                      W. Brother Donald Bacon

                                    Congratulations on your Achievement

                         Ottawa Lodge No. 51 presented the 50 Year award to W. Bro. Donald Bacon
                         at the Grand Lodge offices in Helena.

                           You have traveled the path of life for many years. A pathway often beset
                           by hardships and dangers. Yet, you have weathered the journey and arrived
                           here as a Master Mason worthy of special recognition. We commemorate
                           you laudable achievement.

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 38                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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