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Congratula� ons to the Grand Lodge of Utah for 150 Years 1872- 2022

                            150th Annual Communica� on February 3 -5, 2022

          Brethren  The  Grand  Lodge  of  AF&AM  of  Montana       Determined, they sought authorization from other
        Congratulates the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Utah for its    Grand  Lodges.  They  unsuccessfully  asked  for  a
        150 Years                                                  dispensation from the Colorado Grand Lodge and the
                                                                   Montana Grand Lodge. Finally, they turned to the Grand
         Montana's  Grand  Lodge  has  a  long-standing            Lodge of Kansas and were granted a dispensation, then
        relationship with Utah's Grand Lodge. The two Grand        a charter on November 9, 1868, for Mt. Moriah Lodge
        Lodges  form  part  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  Masonic      No.  70  at  Salt  Lake  under  Chartered  from  the  Grand
        Conference. Wasatch Lodge No 8, at Great Salt Lake,        Lodge of Kansas.
        was  the  fi rst  and  only  Lodge  chartered  by  the  Grand
        Lodge of Montana outside of Montana.                        Another  group  of  Utah  Masons  was  seeking  a
                                                                   dispensation to form another Lodge in Salt Lake City.
         In  1865,  Masons  in  Salt  Lake  City  petitioned  the   Their eff ort was led by Obed F Strickland and Reuben
        Grand  Lodge  of  Nevada  for  a  dispensation  to  start  a   H Robertson. Both Strickland and Robertson had been
        lodge.  However,  the  Grand  Master  of  Nevada  Grand    law  partners  in  Montana  and  then  in  Utah.  Brother
        Master  De  Bell  responded  on  January  25,  1866,  with   Strickland and Brother Robertson became the fi rst and
        the stipulation that "No Mormon be accepted for the        second Grand Masters of Utah. Brother Robertson was
        Degrees," later adding, "or to be admitted as a visitor."   a Past Master of Nevada Lodge No 4 in Montana and
        These rigid provisions were partly due to the history      attended the Second Annual Communication of the
        of  animosity  against  Mormons.  The  Utah  Brothers      Grand Lodge of Montana; on October 22, 1866, Brother
        opposed the restriction because they believed it to be     Robertson presented a petition for Dispensation to form
        a violation of their rights. Based on their objection, the   Wasatch Lodge U D at Salt Lake City. The Dispensation
        petitioners were deemed "insubordinate," the Charter       was granted by the Grand Lodge of Montana and was
        was  withdrawn,  and  the  exemption  was  extended  for   issued  to  R  H  Robertson  as  Worshipful  Master;  J.  M.
        another year. The Masons who sought the Dispensation       Orr,  Senior  Warden;  S.  De  Wolfe,  Junior  Warden.  In
        initially accepted, but the petitioners changed their      addition to these three, the other members of the Craft
        minds after discussion, returning the Dispensation in      whose names were on the petition for Dispensation
        September 1867.                                            were  H.  S.  Bohm,  Treasurer;  R.  D.  Clark,  Secretary;

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