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Obed  F.  Strickland,  Senior  Deacon;  J.  K.  Sutterly,   The eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge
        Junior  Deacon;  H.  Ruben,  Tyler;  Felix  Rheinbold,  Elias  of Montana was held on October 7, 1872, at Helena; it
        B.  Zabriskie,  Samuel  Davis,  Louis  Englar,  John  Meeks,  was noted that Wasatch Lodge No 8 had surrendered its
        (illegible) Gardner, Louis Goldstein, Henry Myers, a total  Charter from the Grand Lodge of Montana to form the
        of sixteen. Wasatch Lodge U. D. held its fi rst meeting on  Grand Lodge of Utah.
        November 30, 1866.

         Brother  Robertson  attended  the  Third  Annual  Secretary's Offi  ce, Wasatch Lodge No. 1
        Communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana,  Salt Lake City, March 12, 1872, A.L. 5872
        October 7-12, 1867, in Virginia City. He returned to Salt
        Lake with the Charter for Wasatch Lodge No.8, under  At  the  regular  communication  of  Wasatch  Lodge  No.  1,
        the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana.  The  held at their hall in this city, March 8, 1872, A.L. 5872, the
        fi rst meeting of Wasatch Lodge 8 under the Charter took  following resolution were unanimously adopted:
        place  on  November  4,  1867;  A.  H.  Robertson  was  the
        fi rst Worshipful Master from November 30, 1866, until  WHEREAS, The several Lodges located in the Territory of
        December 10, 1869. He was elected Worshipful Master  Utah, including this Lodge, have combined in the formation
        again in December 1870.                                    of  a  Grand  Lodge  to  be  known  as  the  Most  Worshipful
                                                                   Grand Lodge of Utah, and as heretofore this Lodge has
         The annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Montana  worked under a charter from the Most Worshipful Grand
        for 1868 show little information on the activities of  Lodge of Montana; Therefore, be it
        Wasatch  Lodge  No.  8  in  their  fi rst  year  as  a  Lodge.
        Petitions for degrees were being received at every  Resolved,  That  we  surrender,  and  we  hereby  surrender
        regular meeting.                                           to  the  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana  it  Charter,
                                                                   fraternally granted to us on the seventh day of October,
          In  1869,  the  Grand  Lodge  met  at  Helena.  There  was  A.L. 5867; Be it further
        no  mention  in  the  minutes  that  Wasatch  Lodge  was
        represented;  the  Grand  Secretary  of  Montana  named  Resolved, That we hereby tender to the M.W. Grand Lodge
        Wasatch  among  those  Lodges  that  had  complied  and  of Montana our hearty and sincere thanks for the great
        provided an annual return that reported that the Lodge  Masonic  favor  conferred  on  us,  by  the  granting  of  the
        had forty-two members.                                     aforesaid  Charter,  as  well  as  for  its  fraternal  protection
                                                                   and fostering care, during the time we have worked and
         The Grand Lodge of Montana met in Virginia City on  enjoyed the inestimable benefi ts, privileges and pleasures
        October  31,  1870;  the  Grand  Secretary  reported  that  of Freemasonry under its jurisdiction; Be it further
        the membership of Wasatch Lodge No 8 had dropped
        from 42 to 33 Master Masons. No report was fi led with  Resolved, that we hereby request the M.W. Grand Lodge of
        the Grand Lodge of Montana for Wasatch Lodge No.8  Montana, if consistent with its laws, rules and regulations,
        in 1871.                                                   to return to this Lodge the Charter now surrendered, after
                                                                   it shall have been abrogated as surrendered, that it may be
         Mt.  Moriah  Lodge  and  Wasatch  Lodge  assisted  in  placed among the archives of this Lodge, as a memento of
        forming  a  third  Lodge  in  Great  Salt  Lake  City,  to  be  our fraternal and most profi table Masonic relationship to
        known as Argenta Lodge; the request was granted for  said Worshipful Grand Lodge; Be it further
        Argenta No 21 under Charter from the Grand Lodge of
        Colorado.                                                  Resolved, that the W.M. and Secretary of this Lodge be,
                                                                   and are hereby, instructed to forward to the M.W. Grand
         On January 16, 1872, according to a previous agreement,  Lodge  of  Montana,  with  aid  Charter,  a  copy  of  these
        the Masters and Wardens of the three Utah Lodges met  resolutions, under the seal of this Lodge.
        in convention to organize a Grand Lodge for the territory
        of Utah. These three Lodges, all located in Salt Lake City
        were,  Wasatch  Lodge  No.  8  (Chartered  by  the  Grand
        Lodge of Montana), Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 70 (Chartered
        by the Grand Lodge of Kansas), and Argenta Lodge №
        21 (Chartered by the Grand Lodge of Colorado).

         When  the  Utah  Grand  Lodge  was  organized  in
        January  1872,  Brother  Robertson  was  appointed
        Grand  Lecturer.  In  October  1872,  Brother  Obed  F
        Strickland was elected Grand Master of Masons in Utah
        during  the  fi rst  Annual  Communication,  and  Brother
        R.  H.  Robertson  was  elected  Deputy  Grand  Master.     Reid Gardiner, Grand Secretary Emeritus

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