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The  Installing  Grand  Master  directs  the  Grand  which the power and prerogative may depart with the
        Master-elect to repeat his offi  cial obligation.        expiration of your term of service, but the honor and
                                                               dignity,  except  by  your  own  act,  never.  And  as  we
                              The Oath                         are now upon the threshold of a great and important
           "I ______, solemnly promise, in the presence of  undertaking, Masonic teachings require that we should
        Almighty God and of this Grand Lodge of  Ancient  bow in solemn prayer with our Right Worshipful Grand
        Free and Accepted Masons of Montana, that I will,  Chaplain."
        to the best of my ability, faithfully and impartially,
        perform all of the duties incumbent upon my offi  ce;      The  Installing  Grand  Master  continues  with  the
        that I will conform to the constitution, laws, rules,   Installation: "Most Worshipful Brother, I congratulate
        and regulations of this Grand Lodge; and that I will   you on the honor of being elected to the high station
        enforce a strict obedience to the same, from all subject   which you are about to occupy. As Grand Master of
        to my authority. All this I do promise, God being my   Masons you will be invested, for the time being, with
        help."                                                 powers  and  prerogatives  well-nigh  absolute.  But  the
                                                               very consciousness of the possession of a great power
          The  Installing  Grand  Master  instructs  the  Grand  will be ever make a generous mind cautious and gentle
        Marshal  to  conduct  our  Brother  to  the  east  and  in  its  exercise. To  rule  well  has  been  the  fortune  of
        continues with the installation:                       but few, and may well be the object of an honorable
                                                               ambition. It is not by the strong arm or iron will that
          The Insalling Grand Master coninues with: "I now,  obedience  and  order,  the  chief  requisites  of  good
        Most "Worshipful Brother, have the honor to invest  government, are secured, but by holding the key to the
        you with the jewel of your offi  ce. I also present you  hearts of men. As a man, the Grand Master should be
        with the gavel, the emblem of your Masonic authority,  of approved integrity and irreproachable morals, freed
        and welcome you to the East of the Grand Lodge of  from the dominion of hasty temper and ill-governed
        Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Montana, and  passions; of good repute in the world, and practicing,
        ask the privilege of being the fi rst to assure you of my/  as an example to the to the craft, the cardinal virtues
        fealty and obedience."                                 Prudence, Fortitude, Temperance and Justice.

          "I now hail, salute and proclaim you Grand Master      He should be loyal to his Government, and a pattern
        of Ancient  Free  and Accepted  Masons  of  Montana.  of  fi delity  in  all  social  and  domestic  relations.  He
        Brethren  of  Montana,  behold  your  Grand  Master.  should be familiar with the landmarks, and insist upon
        Most Worshipful Grand Master, behold your Brethren.  an adherence to them. He should be well versed in the
        Brethren, join in giving Grand Honors."                laws, language and literature of the fraternity. He should
                                                               be ever mindful, that though elevated for a time above
                                              ------           his fellows, that he is elevated by them, and that he is
                                                               yet a craftsman, more sacredly bound by a craftsman’s
               Installation Ceremony and Oath of the           obligation:  he  should  cultivate  everywhere,  and  at
                     Grand Master of Wisconsin                 all times, the golden tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief
                                                               and Truth; he should be devoid of undue ostentation
          By comparison the Installation Ceremony and Oath  and  haughty  over-bearing;  patient  in  investigation,
        of the Grand Master in the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin  deliberate in judgement, prompt in execution, having
        is similar but diff erent.                              an eagle eye upon every portion of his jurisdiction, and
                                                               resisting every eff ort at innovation.
        The Oath
        “I promise upon the honor of a Mason, that I will, to    Such are some of the qualifi cations which a Grand
        the best of my ability, conform and abide by the ancient  Master should possess. It may be that most, if not all,
        landmarks, regulations and usages of Masonry, the  of your predecessors have failed to reach this standard;
        Constitution and edicts of this Grand Lodge, and  but it is attainable, and be it in your purpose to reach it,
        faithfully perform the duties of the Offi  ce to which I  and be a bright and shining example to those who shall
        have been selected.”                                   come after you."

          The Installing Grand Master reciets the following:     "It gives me very great pleasure to induct you to your
        "My  brother,  the  exalted  station  to  which  the  free  chair of offi  ce. With confi dence in both your ability and
        choice of your brethren has called you, involves great  purpose faithfully to discharge the trust reposed in you,
        responsibilities,  and  requires  to  be  inaugurated  by  I now invest you with this jewel of your offi  ce. May
        solemn sanctions. It elevates you to a position from  the Father of Light, of Life and Love give you wisdom
         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 17
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