Page 20 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
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ancient Charges and Regulations which point out the      "You  admit  that  no  new  Lodge  shall  be  formed
        duty of a Master of a lodge. (The Master elect to whom  without permission from the Grand Lodge, and that no       t
        these Charges are addressed should signify his assent  countenance be given to any irregular Lodge, or to any      p
        to each of them by a nod of the head. He will remain  person clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary
        silent until he is asked for a response at the end of the  to the Ancient Charges of Freemasonry?
        Charges.)                                                                                                          a
                                                                 "You  admit  that  no  person  can  be  regularly  made   c
          "You agree to be a good man and true, and strictly  a  Mason  in,  or  admitted  a  member  of,  any  regular    t
        obey the moral law?                                    Lodge, without previous notice, and due inquiry into
                                                               his character?
          "You agree to be a peaceable citizen, and cheerfully                                                             L
        to conform to the laws of the country in which you       "You  agree  that  no  visitors  shall  be  received  into   e
        reside?                                                your Lodge without due examination, and satisfactory
                                                               evidence  of  their  having  been  initiated  in  a  regular
          "You  promise  not  to  be  concerned  in  plots  and   Lodge?"                                                  o
        conspiracies  against  government,  but  patiently  to                                                             p
        submit to the law and the constituted authorities?       These are the Charges and Regulations of Free and
                                                               Accepted Masons. Do you submit to these Charges,
          “You  agree  to  pay  a  proper  respect  to  the  civil                                                         w
        magistrates; to work diligently, live creditably, and act   and promise to support these Regulations, as Masters   y
                                                               have done in all ages before you? (The Master elect
        honorably by all men?
                                                               will answer in an audible voice - aloud, viz: "I do.")      b
          “You agree to hold in veneration the original rulers and                                                         u
        patrons of Freemasonry, and their regular successors,    INSTALLING        OFFICER:      Brother_____     in
        supreme and subordinate, according to their stations;   consequence of your cheerful conformity to the             t
        and to submit to the awards and resolutions of your    Charges and Regulations of the  Ancient Fraternity,
        brethren,  when  in  Lodge  convened,  in  every  case   you are now to be installed as Master of_____ Lodge,
        consistent with the constitutions of Freemasonry?      No. __ in full confi dence of your care, skill and
                                                               capacity to govern the same.
          "You agree to avoid private pique and quarrels, and                                                              y
        to guard against intemperance and excess?                Brother Marshal, you will conduct the Worshipful          M
                                                               Master to the foot of the dais.                             i
          "You agree to be cautious in your behavior, courteous                                                            t
        to your brethren, and faithful to your Lodge?            INSTALLING OFFICER: My Brother, I now invest              I
                                                               you with the jewel of your offi  ce, the square.              H
          "You  promise  to  respect  genuine  brethren  and  to                                                           s
        discountenance imposters, and all dissenters from the    As the square is employed by the operative mason
        original plan of Masonry?                              to fi t and adjust the stones of a building that all its     T
                                                               parts  may  properly  agree,  so  you,  as  Master  of  this
          "You agree to promote the general good of society,   Lodge, are admonished by the symbolic meaning of
        to  cultivate  the  social  virtues,  and  to  propagate  the   the  square  to  preserve  that  great  moral  deportment   t
        knowledge of the mystic art?                           among  the  members  of  your  Lodge  which  should         w
                                                               always characterize good Masons, and to exert your          o
          "You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master,  authority  to  prevent  ill-feeling  or  angry  discussion      n
        for  the  time  being,  and  to  his  offi  cers,  when  duly  arising to impair the harmony if its meetings.        o
        installed; and strictly to conform to every edict of the                                                           a
        Grand Lodge, or General Assembly of Masons that is       You will also receive the various implements used         o
        not subversive of the principles and ground work of  in your Lodge:                                                a
        Masonry?                                                                                                           w
                                                                 The Holy Writings, that great light in Masonry will       p
          "You admit that it is not in the power of any man,  guide you to all truth. It will direct your paths to the     w
        or body of men, to make innovations in the body of  temple of happiness and point out to you the whole             i
        Masonry?                                               duty of man.

          "You promise a regular attendance on the committees    The Compass, it teaches us to limit our desires in        l
        and communications of the Grand Lodge, on receiving  every  station,  that,  rising  to  eminence  by  merit,  we   d
        proper notice, and to pay attention to all the duties of  may live respected and die regretted.                    m
        Masonry on convenient occasions?                                                                                   l
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