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"It now but remains for me to clothe you with the      The very consciousness of the possession of a great
        external insignia of your rank and authority.          power, will ever make a generous mind cautious and
                                                               gentle in its exercise. To rule has been the lot of many,
          I now with great pleasure invest you with this jewel  and requires neither strength of intellect or soundness
        of  your  offi  ce,  whose  symbolic  meaning  will  now  of  judgment.  To  rule  well  has  been  the  fortune  of
        have a new and striking signifi cance to you.           but few, and may well be the object of an honorable
                                                               ambition. It is not by the strong arm, or the iron will,
          I  also  present  you  with  this  gavel,  as  the  potent   that obedience and order the chief requisites of good
        emblem  of  Masonic  power,  which  in  your  hands,   government are secured, but by holding the key to the
        should never be sounded in vain.                       hearts of men.

          I now surrender to you this seat of authority.  And    The offi  ce of Master is of great antiquity and respect,
        render  you  this,  fi rst  act  of  homage  due  to  you  as   and is one of the highest dignities to which we may
        Grand Master."                                         aspire. Its incumbent, to rule well, should possess and
                                 -----                         practice several important requisites.

               Installation Ceremony and Oath of the             As a Man, he should be of approved integrity and
               Worshipful Master of Montana Lodges             irreproachable  morals,  freed  from  the  dominion  of
                                                               hasty  temper  and  ill-governed  passions:  of  good
          The following can be found in the Montana Masonic  repute  in  the  world,  and  practicing  as  an  example
        Manual, Section Three, 3.3.b.2.                        to  his  brethren,  the  cardinal  virtues  of  Temperance,
                                                               Fortitude, Prudence and Justice.
          The  fi nal  comparison  we  will  examin  will  be  the
        Montana  Installation  ceremony  for  the  Worshipful    As a Citizen he should be loyal to his government,
        Master of a Lodge. It is the privilege and duty of the  obedient  to  its  laws,  prompt  in  the  duties  he  owes
        outgoing Master of the Lodge to install his successor  to  society,  and  a  pattern  of  fi delity  in  all  social  and
        and other offi  cers, but he may request any Past Master  domestic relations.
        to perform the ceremony for him.
                                                                 As a Mason, he should cling to the old landmarks, and
          INSTALLING  OFFICER:  Brother-----,  you  will  be sternly opposed to their infringement; be desirous
        now repeat after me, your offi  cial obligation;         to learn, and apt to teach; be prompt to aid and relieve;
                                                               and be ever mindful that, though elevated for a time
                              The Oath                         above his fellows, he is elevated by them; and should
           I ______solemnly promise, upon the honor of a  there-tore  cultivate  everywhere  and  at  all  times,  the
        Mason, that in the offi  ce of Master of______Lodge  golden tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
        No. ___, I will, to the best of my ability, strictly
        comply with the Constitution and regulations of the      As an Offi  cer, he should remember fi rst of all, that
        Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of  he is an individual Mason, sharing in chat respect a
        Montana; the By-laws of ______-Lodge No. __- and  common lot with his brethren and therefore interested
        all other ancient Masonic usages, so far as the same  in  the  welfare  of  each  and  all.  Be  devoid  of  undue
        shall come to my knowledge. Amen.                      ostentation  and  haughty  overbearing.  Be  accessible
                                                               to all, cultivating die closest friendship and the most
        The Marshal, present the Master elect to the East.     unlimited  confi dence  with  his  associate  offi  cers.  Be
                                                               eager to take council with his brethren and ready to give
          INSTALLING OFFICER: My Brother, in in-ducting        it. Be ready to reward good. Be devoid of favoritism
        you  into  your  chair  of  offi  ce,  as  a  symbol  of  the   and wholly impartial.
        commencement (continuation) of your government of
        this Lodge, I am performing a most pleasing duty. By     Such are some of the most important qualifi cations
        immemorial usage, and the irrevocable landmarks of  which  a  Master  should  possess  and  the  errors  he
        Masonry, you are installed as Master of this Lodge with  should avoid. It may be that most, if not all of us have
        powers and prerogatives which are of high importance  failed to reach this standard; but it is attainable and be
        and  due  solemnity.  The  good  resolutions,  which  I  it your purpose to reach it, and be a bright and shining
        doubt not, you have formed in your own mind, that  example to those who shall come after you.
        these powers shall not be abused or perverted by you,
        I would gladly strengthen by a word of admonition.       My  Brother,  previous  to  your  investiture,  it  is
                                                               necessary that you should signify your assent to those
         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 19
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