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to  perform  properly  the  important  duties  which  you  strong are or the iron will that obedience and order, the
        are this day called upon to assume. May His protecting  chief requisites of good government, are secured, but
        care keep you from falling, and late, very late in life,  by holding the key to the hearts of men.
        may you be transmitted from the fading honors of this
        imperfect,  to  that  all-perfect,  celestial  Lodge  above,   The offi  ce of Grand Master is of great antiquity and
        prepared only for the faithful. I now present you with  respect, and is one of the highest dignities to which we
        this potent emblem of Masonic power (presents gavel).  may aspire. Its incumbent, to rule well, should possess
        May it never be sounded in vain. I now surrender to  and practice several important requisites.
        you this seat of authority and render you this fi rst act
        of homage due to you as Grand Master. I now hail,        As a man, he should be of approved integrity and
        salute and proclaim you Grand Master of Masons of      irreproachable  morals;  freed  from  the  dominion  of
        the State of Wisconsin. Brethren, behold your Grand    hasty  temper  and  ill-governed  passions;  of  good
        Master. Salute him with the Grand Honors."             repute in the world; and practicing, as an example to
                                               ----            the Craft, the cardinal virtues of Fortitude, Prudence,
                                                               Temperance, and Justice.
               Installation Ceremony and Oath of the
               Grand Master from the Ahiman Rezon                As a citizen, he should be loyal to his government,
                                                               obedient  to  its  laws,  prompt  in  the  duties  he  owes
          We can compare again, this time from the Ahiman  to  society,  and  a  pattern  of  fi delity  in  all  social  and
        Rezon and Freemasons Guide, we fi nd the following  domestic relations."
        installation for the Grand Master.
                                                                 As a Mason, he should cling to the old landmarks,
                              The Oath                         and  be  sternly  opposed  to  their  infringement;  be
        I, ___________, in the presence of Almighty God, and  profi cient  in  the  laws,  language,  and  literature  of
        before the Grand Lodge of the State of _______, do  the Fraternity; be desirous to learn, and apt to teach;
        promise and swear, that to the best of my ability, I will  though not for the time a workman, yet be master of
        faithfully, honestly, and impartially perform the duties  the work, and qualifi ed to earn his wages; be prompt to
        of Grand Master of Masons in this Jurisdiction during  aid and relieve, and slow to demand it; be ever mindful
        my term of offi  ce; and that I will conform to and  that, though elevated for a time above his  fellows, that
        maintain the Constitutions, laws, rules, and regulations  he is elevated by them, and that he is yet a Craftsman,
        of the Grand Lodge of the State of________, and the  more sacredly bound by a Craftsman’s obligation; and
        usages and customs of Free and  Accepted Masons,  he  should  cultivate  everywhere  and  at  all  times  the
        and at all times enforce a strict obedience thereto. So  golden tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
        help me God.
                                                                 As an Offi  cer, he should remember, fi rst of all, that
          The Installing Offi  cer continues; "Most Worshipful  he  is  an  individual  Mason,  sharing  in  that  respect  a
        Brother for from henceforth you are entitled thus to  common lot with his Brethren, and therefore interested
        be hailed: In inducting you to your chair of offi  ce, as  in  the  welfare  of  each  and  all;  be  devoid  of  undue
        a symbol of the commencement of your government  ostentation and haughty confi dence with his associate
        over the Craft, I am performing a most solemn duty.  offi  cers; be eager to take counsel with his Brethren, and
        By immemorial usage and the irrevocable landmarks  ready to give it; be patient in investigation and hearing;
        of  Masonry,  you  are  invested,  as  Grand  Master  of  be deliberate in judgement; be prompt in execution;
        Masons,  with  powers  and  prerogatives  which  are  be forbearing long and much with evildoers; be ready
        well-nigh absolute. The interest of the Craft, for weal  to reward good; be devoid of favoritism, and wholly
        or wo, are placed in your hands during your term of  impartial;  be  watchful  over  the  treasury;  having  an
        offi  ce. The good resolutions which I doubt not that you  eagle eye upon every portion of his jurisdiction; and
        have formed in your own mind that these powers shall  breasting over the restless spirit of innovation.
        not  be  abused  or  perverted  by  you;  I  would  gladly
        strengthen by a word of admonition, which it will not    "Such are some of the most important qualifi cations
        become  henceforth  to  utter. The  very  consciousness   which a Grand Master should possess, and the leading
        of the possession of a great power will ever make a    errors which he should avoid. It may be that most, if
        generous mind cautious and gentle in its exercise. To   not all, of your predecessors have failed to reach this
        rule  has  been  the  lot  of  many,  and  requires  neither   standard; but it is attainable; and be it your purpose to
        strength of intellect or soundness of judgement; to rule   reach it, and be a bright and shining example to those
        well has been the fortune of but few, and may well be   who shall come after you!
        the object of an honorable ambition. It is not by the
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