Page 16 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
P. 16

The Grand Masters' Oath of Office and Installation
                   The Grand Masters' Oath of Office and Installation
                                                   Reid Gardiner, Editor

          Let’s  take  a  brief  look  at  “oaths”;  there  are  oaths   Everyone  who  attends  the  installation  hears  the
        for naturalized citizens, nurses, lawyers, pharmacists,  Oath of Offi  ce for the Grand Master, yet many dont
        military  recruits,  Scouts,  and  DeMolay,  Freemasons  really  hear  or  give  much  thought  to  that  oath  and
        and our leaders. We as Masons have and love our ritual  elements and meaning of it. We will review the Grand
        and ceremonies we know this by our abundant use of  Masters Oath and accompaning ceremony from the
        them;  we  obviously  believe  them  to  be  important.  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana,  Wisconsin  and  the  one
        Through our ceremonies and oaths there is an outward  from  the  Ahiman  Rezon  which  is  used  by  Grand
        demonstration  of  the  common  ideals,  ethics,  and  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania  and  Grand  Lodge  of  South
        traditions that we uphold and value.                   Carolina.  (At  one  time  or  another,  eight American
                                                               Grand  Jurisdictions  have  used  the  words  Ahiman
          An  “Oath”  identifi es  the  standards  of  ethical  Rezon for their Books of Law; Georgia, Maryland,
        behavior we hold to be essential, and of a standard  New  York,  North  Carolina,  Pennsylvania,  South
        of  conduct  and  promises  made,  a  level  of  integrity,  Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.)
        honor, and character that is expected. As Masons, we
        have set standards to be followed, and of course, we          Installation Ceremony and Oath of the
        expect our elected offi  cers our Worshipful Masters and         Grand Master AF&AM of Montana
        Grand Masters as a requirement of their offi  ce to state
        they will comply with them; their oath of offi  ce is an   The following can be found in the Montana Masonic
        expression  of  their  commitment  to  those  standards.  Manual, Section Three, 3.3.a.2.
        Historically, an oath invokes God to bear witness to a
        person's promise to behave ethically. The oath of offi  ce   Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
        establishes a moral commitment to the offi  ce that goes  Accepted Masons of Montana, we are now prepared
        well beyond a contractual or managerial approach to  to install your Grand Lodge Offi  cers for the ensuing
        Masonic  authority.  It  signifi es  the  stewardship  and  year.
        guardianship  of  its  offi  cers  and  connects  them  with
        stated  Masonic  values  and  interests. As  Masons  we   The Installing Offi  cer directs the Worshipful Grand
        expect our elected leaders to act professionally at all  Marshal,  to  present  the  Grand  Master  elect.  The
        times while holding that offi  ce.                       Installing  Grand  Master  directs  the  Grand  Marshal
                                                               to place the Brother at the Altar, there to receive the
          The oath of offi  ce  brings  with  it expectations  and  benefi t of prayer and to take upon himself his offi  cial
        special  responsibilities  that  warrant  asking  the  obligation.
        highest  commitment  a  Mason  can  give.  Within  our
        organization  the  offi  ce  of  Worshipful  Master  and   The  Installing  Grand  Master  recites  the  fhe
        more  specifi cally  Grand  Master  receives  supreme  following  "Most  Worshipful  Brother,  we  most
        command, he has very special status, unlike any other  cordially  congratulate  you  upon  your  election  to
        offi  ce in any organization and perhaps even is society;  this,  the  most  distinguished  and  important  offi  ce
        we grant specifi c and signifi cant powers to which the  within the gift of Masons. The confi dence displayed
        Grand Master – elect promises to the best of his ability,  by the Grand Lodge in electing you to the supreme
        to faithfully and impartially, perform all of the duties  command, is ample guarantee to the Masonic world
        incumbent upon the offi  ce; that he will conform to the  of your wisdom and worth. You cannot, my Brother,
        constitution, laws, rules, and regulations of this Grand  but be aware of the deep and solemn importance of the
        Lodge; and that he will enforce a strict obedience to  station you are about to assume, nor of the many cares
        the same, from all subject to his authority.           and perplexities which attend its unequaled honors.
                                                               These perplexities however, will be greatly alleviated
           As a leader, are you willing to put your hand on  by the aff ectionate sympathy and active assistance of
        the  Bible,  raise  your  right  hand,  and  take  an  oath  your brethren who have full confi dence that you will
        of  leadership?  Do  you  take  your  Grand  Masters  discharge the important duties of your station with
        obligation seriously and do you understand them and  credit to yourself and honor to the Fraternity. I will
        have you read it since being installed? This might well  now  proceed  to  administer  to  you,  the  obligation
        be a question to ask our current Grand Master and any  pertaining to your offi  ce. You will kneel."
        past and future Grand Master.
         Page 16                                                                             Montana Freemason                                           November December 2018
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