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d        The Book of Constitutions, you are to search it at all  Forcibly  impress  upon  them  the  dignity  and  high
        times. Cause it to be read in your Lodge that none may  importance of Masonry, and seriously admonish them
        pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins.  never  to  disgrace  it.  Charge  them  to  practice  out  of
                                                               the Lodge those duties which they have been taught in
          You  now  receive  in  charge  the  Charter,  by  the  it, and by amiable, discreet, and virtuous conduct, to
        authority of which, this Lodge is held. As its lawful  convince mankind of the goodness of the institution;
        custodian,  you  are  carefully  to  preserve,  and  duly  so that when a person is said to be a member of it, the
 r      transmit it to your successor in offi  ce.               world may know that tie is one to whom the burdened
                                                               heart may pour out its sorrow; to whom distress may
          You will also receive in charge the By-laws of your   prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by justice, and
        Lodge, which you are to see carefully and punctually   whose heart is expanded by benevolence. In short, by
        executed.                                              a diligent observance of the By-laws of your Lodge,
                                                               the Constitutions of Masonry, and above all, the Holy
 r        I place in your hands this Gavel, an additional insignia   Scriptures, which are given as a rule and guide to your
        of your rank and authority. Wield it my brother, with   faith, you will be enabled to acquit yourself with honor
        prudence and discretion.
 d                                                             and reputation.
          I now seat you in the Oriental Chair, and cover you
                                                                 Worshipful Master   (who  rises):   This  Worshipful
        with that distinction which, in this Lodge, it is alone   Lodge  having  chosen  you  for  its  Master  and
 t      your privilege to wear. (Installing Offi  cer takes Master   Representative,  it  is  now  incumbent  upon  you
        by the hand, places him in the chair, and places a hat   diligently, and upon every proper occasion, to inquire
        upon his head.)
                                                               into  the  knowledge  of  your  fellows,  and  fi nd  them
          INSTALLING  OFFICER:  (Uncovers;  unless  he  is     daily employment, that the Art which  they  profess
        the Grand Master or his offi  cial represent-ative.) * *   may  not  be   forgotten  or neglected. You  must  avoid
        * (All rise.)                                          partiality giving praise where it is due and employing
 d                                                             those in the most honorable part of the 'work who have
          INSTALLING OFFICER: Worshipful Master, behold        made the greatest advancement, for the encouragement
        your  brethren.  Brethren,  behold  your  Worshipful   of the Art. You must preserve union, and judge in all
        Master.  (Grand  Honors  are  now  given  the  newly   oases amicably and mildly, preferring peace.  That the
        installed Worshipful Master. If the ceremony is tyled,   society  may  prosper, you must preserve the dignity
        to Masons only, Private Grand Honors will be given.    of your offi  ce, requiring submission from the perverse
 t      If the ceremony is open to the public, Public Grand    and refractory; always acting upon, and being guided
        Honors will be given. The newly installed WM will      by,    the    principles    upon  which    your    authority  is
        stand with his gavel in his- right hand over his breast.)  founded. You  must,  to the  extent  of your power, pay
                                                               a constant attendance on your Lodge, that you may see
        TO THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER                               how your work fl ourishes, and how your instructions
                                                               are  obeyed.  You  must  take  care  that  neither  your
 f        Worshipful Master (who rises), to you is committed  words nor actions shall render your authority to be less
 t      the  superintendence  and  government  of  the  brethren  regarded, but 'that your prudent and careful behavior
 d      who compose this Lodge. You can not be insensible  may set an example, and give sanction to your power.
 r      of the obligations which devolve on you as their head;  And as Brotherly Love is the cement of our Society,
        nor  of  your  responsibility  for  the  faithful  discharge  so cherish and encourage it, that the brethren may be
        of the important duties annexed to your election (or  more willing to obey the dictates of Masons than you
        appointment).  The  honor,  reputation  and  usefulness  have occasion to command.
 d      of your Lodge will materially depend upon the skill
        and  assiduity  with  which  you  manage  its  concerns,
        whilst the happiness of its members will be generally
        promoted  in  proportion  to  the  zeal  and  ability  with
        which  you  propagate  the  genuine  principles  of  our

          For  a  pattern  for  imitation,  consider  the  great
        luminary of nature, which, rising in the East, regularly
        diff uses light and lustre to all within the circle. In like
        manner, it is your province to spread and communicate
        light  and  instruction  to  the  brethren  of  your  Lodge.
         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 21
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